Excellence Painting will provide you with a written two-year guarantee on all workmanship and materials. For more information about my exterior painting services or to receive a free estimate, please call (403) 804-4718 or fill out the contact form here. |
Exterior Painting ServicesPainting the outside of a house can be a strenuous, time consuming task, to say the least. I understand how to complete this task in an efficient and proficient manner.
My exterior painting services include any painted or paintable surface that you would like finished, such as:
Onsite Work Procedures for Exterior Painting Projects All the necessary preparation before painting such as:
I usually apply two Finish coats, however I apply three or more Finish coats to window seals to guarantee a strong, extra-durable finish. I make sure that even outside floors and roof tops are covered and work with care around your plants and garden. |